As The Lasting Life Change Coach I work with you to identify and anchor essential lasting life changes.
What can you expect from working with me?
Change, shift, results!
We get clear about what is blocking you and work together to:
How Can I Help?
I take cutting-edge complex science and research on what lies behind having lasting life change. I combine it with years of direct experience and make it available for your transformation. This means you can confidently create change in any area of your life and understand exactly how and why it will work for you.
Lasting Life Changes You Can Create
How long are you prepared to wait for these changes?
Let’s talk about what you want right now
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What My Clients Say
On behalf of Torbay I just wanted to send a heartfelt thanks for the amazing training day yesterday. There was so much to take in and yet it all just seemed to make perfect sense.
Enthused, inspired and renewed energy are some of the phrases that spring to mind as a result of yesterday, not to mention an even deeper determination to get it right for our children and of course for ourselves.
From working with Jane I feel uplifted and relieved; I have a greater sense of my ability to succeed, calmly and independently.
Jane is remarkable to work with; empowering, sensitive and engaging.
I have benefited enormously from the Life Change Coaching sessions, noticing a significant increase in positivity, calmness and focus.
Jane is brilliant to work with; she provides a secure and accepting setting allowing me to engage honestly and comfortably with the Quantum Energy Coaching process she uses.
When I started working with Jane I had no idea just how stressed I really was!
Jane delicately uncovered my stress, showed me what it was doing to my body and gave me some incredible tools to enable me to release my stress on a daily basis.
As a result I now feel in a totally different place than before I began working with her. Yes, I still get out of balance when life throws a curve ball or business gets busy but the difference is I now know how to bring myself back into a balanced life.
Thank you Jane for your insight, skill and sheer passion to eliminate my stress.